Showing posts with label platform. Show all posts
Showing posts with label platform. Show all posts

Friday 29 September 2017

部落格五周年!终于有名片啦~ Gogoprint专业网络印刷服务

虽然游走于网络界也有好一段时间了但一直以来没名没姓的也活得好好的,成立部落格从一开始的存粹爱写东西渐进到相信世界上所有美好的事物都应该被分享而主攻吃喝玩乐和旅游,从一开始的文笔生涩摄影质量也一般般到近期的略有模样,唯一不变的便是故事里的美食、旅游所见的风景始终是文章里的主角,而本人只是个以图文把所见所闻和大家分享的低调写手.. 也因为如此一直以来名片对本人而言基本上可有可无,毕竟相较于主流部落客们着重曝光与经营策略等把部落格完全商业化的模式个人一直以来更偏好以随遇而安的节奏随性的在网络界里游走,虽然不递名片不盲目跟风吹捧但庆幸一路走来过程也不失精彩,当然这些还需感谢这些年来大家的支持与包容 ;)

部落格五周年!终于有名片啦~ 请多多指教 ^^ #GogoprintMY

但话说回来成立5周年在即,一直抱持低调分享为宗旨的Jz.W也终于有了专用名片啦,主要原因还是出于礼貌(毕竟在活动上交换名片就像打电话时候的halo halo一样虽然有时没啥意义但总是避不掉啦 :P),当然更重要的是本次的名片从印制到送递完全是一整个的超级便捷迅速,基本上本人只是在家里的电脑前点几个键上传名片设计文档然后几天后名片便从无到有的出现在我面前啦~ 这么方便省事的流程完全是为我量身定制的吧,这样的名片.. 当然可以有 ;) 在这里首先必须为效率杠杠的Gogoprint专业网络印刷服务点赞 b^^d

Gogoprint一站式专业网络印刷服务 ;)
质感相当不错的名片个人表示相当满意 ;)
初次见面请多指教 ^^

看了成品觉得还不赖并且有需要的朋友们接下来这一段要注意啦,如何使用Gogoprint网上印刷您所需要的名片、明信片、宣传单、贴纸等呢?非常简单,首先到Gogoprint专业网络印刷服务官网选择想要印制的物品,选择数量以及送货日期,付款并上传您的设计后便可以等着成品送到您的面前啦,有木有简单又方便啊 ;)

1. Gogoprint官网选择想要印制的物品 2.选择数量以及送货日期 3.付款上传设计,等成品

除了提供基本的设计样本以及各种质感的纸张等想要更进一步甚至完全客制化的朋友们网站还提供了影片教学哦简简单单花些心思便可完成属于您的独一无二成品啦 ;)  >Gogoprint客制化/传单名片影片教学请点击这里<

当然网上进度都可以透过order number随时查看,物品送出后也会有电邮通知,服务效率与贴心度都满分 :) 

Gogoprint @

更多关于Gogoprint一站式专业网络印刷服务请戳上边官网链接或脸书链接 @ 查看 ;)

☝☝☝喜欢这篇po文吗?记得到我们的脸书专页点赞 >Like Jz.World FB page here< 以便掌握第一手美食旅游咨询与好康! 
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Saturday 5 August 2017

多达300种的各式蛋糕甜美来袭~~Eat Cake Today~

无论派对生日或其他重要庆祝节日蛋糕都是位居主角不可或缺的重要角色,但若每当需要一颗卖相口味俱佳的蛋糕就得耗时走访各家蛋糕店搜罗购买的话对于像本人一样爱动口却对动手兴致缺缺的吃货而言这烦恼可谓相当让人为难啊 :P 若你也和我一样是个爱好蛋糕甜点的吃货的话那么请把‘Eat Cake Today’这三个英文单字记好啦,至于原因请看下段分晓 ;)

Lets ‘Eat Cake Today’ ^^

多达300种各式甜美蛋糕的网上蛋糕订购平台、集合40余家烘焙坊及蛋糕师傅、动动指尖点点滑鼠网上下单4小时后蛋糕即可在您眼前亮丽登场,是的各位吃货们说的就是本文主角——Eat Cake Today一站式网上蛋糕订购平台 ;)

@ Eat Cake Today ~

集结了烘焙坊、咖啡馆等实体店面以及自家手工自制蛋糕的Eat Cake Today除了提供各种甜美蛋糕之外起司蛋糕曲奇饼干、马卡龙、杯子蛋糕、翻糖蛋糕、千层蛋糕等等也都统统有哦,想要应节庆来个客制化蛋糕譬如父亲节蛋糕、圣诞蛋糕等也完全没问题哦,最棒的是基本款的蛋糕只要网上下单四个小时的时间即可送到府上咯超级高效率啊有木有 ;) 

Nutella Crunch 9 inch ^^ (minimum bake time: 1-day)

Eat Cake Today提供的蛋糕除了实在的用料之外吸睛的造型当然也是必须的无论送礼自用兩相宜啊 ;) 散发浓浓巧克力诱惑的9寸Nutella Crunch是巧克力控绝对不能错过的放纵型甜点,2 kg重的蛋糕每一口都是满满的脆口榛果与巧克力香~

Dark Indulgence 5 inch by Little Chubby Baker (minimum bake time: 1-day)
高贵的Dark Indulgence黑巧克力

除了蛋糕各个店家也提供一些的附属品如蜡烛、手写卡片、蛋糕文字topper等相当的贴心 :)

Chocolate Banana Cake 9 inch by Madeleine Patisserie ;) (minimum bake time: 4-hours)
Walnut Brownies 10 inch by Mr & Mrs Brownie ^^ (minimum bake time: 1-day)
Banoffee Cake 9 inch by Madeleine Patisserie ^^ (minimum bake time: 1-day)
Banoffee Cake
Mango Coconut Cake 9 inch by Madeleine Patisserie ;) (minimum bake time: 4-hours)
Mango Coconut Cake

当然若想来点不一样的跳脱style各种造型蛋糕在Eat Cake Today也找得到哦,下边的情侣专属Love Brownies只是其中之一 ;)

Love, Brownies by Mr & Mrs Brownie ^^ (minimum bake time: 1-day)

可爱的造型杯子蛋糕是派对上的亮眼点缀就算不吃光拍照也超棒der~不信请看下边示范 :P

Facebook @eatcaketoday \\ Instagram #eatcaketoday

平台上的蛋糕一般只需4小时至一天的制作时间,订购时间一周七日无休每天11 am – 7 pm都可以在><下单,想提早预定的客人们也可安排两个月后的蛋糕配送服务 :)

La Belle 5 inch (minimum bake time: 2-days)

椰丝搭上马六甲黑糖的Pandan Gula Melaka满至溢出的奶油和香兰椰香交融的味道是个人所推荐的 ;)

Pandan Gula Melaka 9 inch by Ennoble ^^ (minimum bake time: 4-hours)
Pandan Gula Melaka

当然若想轻便一些色彩缤纷的马卡龙塔是相当不错的选择 ^^

Tower of 25 Assorted Macarons by Ennoble ^^ (minimum bake time: 4-hours)

漂亮的马卡龙每一颗除了颜色不同内馅口味也不一样哦 ;)

漂亮的马卡龙感觉很缤纷 ^^

多达300种的各式蛋糕甜美来袭~~Eat Cake Today~

Eat Cake Today一站式网上蛋糕平台订购平台除了集合多达300种类的各式蛋糕,亦提供客制化蛋糕预定服务,只需四小时的快速送抵服务就算是临时需求也没问题啦,便捷迅速的送抵服务收费只从RM 10起,蛋糕价位从亲民的RM 37到高贵的RM 230都有,更多关于Eat Cake Today蛋糕种类资讯订购与优惠请点官网@ 或下边脸书/Instagram链接 :)

Eat Cake Today
Facebook @eatcaketoday
Instagram #eatcaketoday

☝☝☝喜欢这篇po文吗?记得到我们的脸书专页点赞 >Like Jz.World FB page here< 以便掌握第一手美食旅游咨询与好康! 
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Thursday 6 October 2016

HiBaby.TV——Malaysia’s New Live Streaming & Entertainment Platform

A new interactive, enriching and engaging online social entertainment platform is here! HiBaby.TV——the new online streaming platform in Malaysia offers a new and fun way to interact through social channels. Stream your favorite live entertainment shows curated by adorable, pretty and engaging hosts, get all the latest updates of your topics of interest from food, travel, culture, sport & fitness to Malaysia business and hot issues, win fabulous prizes through platform contests, and the coolest part - chat with your host ;) Feel like experience the FUN, LIVE, and definitely rewarding social entertainment at its best? Scroll down to find out more ^^

HiBaby.TV——The new online social entertainment platform in Malaysia ;)

Recently launched in the month of September, HiBaby.TV is an online interactive experience where users get to chat & interact with the hosts as well as take part & level up their online profile, meet new friends and reward hosts with virtual gifts that translate to real life earnings ;)

HiBaby.TVMalaysia’s new LIVE streaming & entertainment platform ;)

Available on Google Play Store for Android smartphones and laptops and iOS App Store (coming soon), the online video streaming platform featuring live content from hundreds of hosts all across Malaysia with popular and interesting content ranging from food, travel, sport & fitness, culture, as well as Malaysia current hot issues and business.

HiBaby.TV now Available on Google Play Store for Android (iOS App coming soon), explore popular and interesting content with your favorite hosts ;) 
some of HiBaby.TV adorable, pretty and engaging hosts :)

Founded by a group of passionate individuals from all over Malaysia, Hong Kong, China, Taiwan & South East Asia, HiBaby.TV’s vision is simple – HiBaby.TV urged talented & beautiful personalities all over Malaysia to come forward to join the big team.

Speaking at the launch, Mr. Vijian Chan, CEO of HiBaby.TV said, “HiBaby.TV will grow and support passionate & talented individuals over time. Programs were arranged with a few hosts including Nadia Hasnan on Food, Music, Travel, Scuba Diving & etc. We provide a platform for those with talents & beauty to earn money from the comfort of their own home and be streamed live to viewers worldwide."

HiBaby.TV Official Launch @ FUZE Club, Kuala Lumpur.  

HiBaby.TV offers interactive live stream entertainment shows curated by adorable, pretty and engaging hosts, rewarding prizes through platform contests, and users could also make new friends, create topics, share common interest, support and reward each other for a good cause through the platform. Games are also available with just a few clicks to summon all your friends ;)

To join and interact live with your favorite host and artistes, a simple few steps quick registration or simply logging in via the Facebook button is all you need to get started.  

a simple quick registration or simply logging in via the FB button is all you need to get started ;)
and you're now live with your favorite host on HiBaby.TV ^^ 

HiBaby.TV is a new and fun way to interact live with your favorite hosts and artistes. Experience social entertainment at its best while you play games with your buddies on HiBaby.TV platform, It’s FUN, it’s LIVE, and it’s definitely rewarding! Check out their Facebook page @ or just log on to for the full experience ^^

☝☝☝What's up guys like what you read? LIKE us @>Jz.World FB page here< for more fun stuff & instant updates, cheers! 
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